SCP096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 238 meters in height Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 15 meters each Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair SCP096 isSCP096 is a horror survival game SCP096 is normally extremely docile Yet, when someone views SCP096's face, he will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress He will begin chasing the player down to kill them as punishment for viewing his face SCP096 is extremely fast and can't be deterred by doors, key code or not, as he will rip them open to catch up to the playerApr 23, · SCP096 is a pale, tall humanoid When somebody views it face, in person, by photograph, or a video, SCP096 will enter a state of extreme emotional distress After one to two minutes, it will run to the person who viewed its face It has an innate knowledge of where ever the person who viewed its face was After SCP096 reaches its target, it will DATA EXPUNGED them

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Is scp-096 real yes or no
Is scp-096 real yes or no-Mar 17, 19 · SCP 096 is some dude who chases down and kills whoever looks at its face, either in real life or on a pictureClose 85 Posted by u/deleted 4 years ago Archived If someone viewed SCP096's face from space, would SCP096 still be able to kill them?

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In this Reaction Video I will be Reacting to WHY YOU NEVER LOOK AT SCP096 by @SCP Animated Tales From The Foundation Will we finally learn where SCP096SCP096 is normally extremely docile, with pressure sensors inside its cell indicating it spends most of the day pacing by the eastern wall However, when someone views SCP096's face, whether it be directly, via video recording, or even a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distressSCP 150 parasite is an obligate parasite that looks similar to a tongueeating louse When it bites the human body it will have a symbolic relationship with them for the whole of its life In a short period, it entered the complete flesh of the hu
Jul 09, · Item # SCP095 Object Class Safe Special Containment Procedures SCP095 is to be placed in a standard polyethylene sleeve when not under scheduled research and stored in a standard locked filing cabinet to prevent damage or wear Highresolution digital scans are available for any Level 1 and above personnel who wish to view SCP095SCP096, aka the "Shy Guy", is an Euclidclass humanoid creature measuring approximately 238 meters in height with very little muscle mass It is normally docile, mostly sitting in place sobbing bitterly When somebody looks at its face, though, it will enter a state of rage for 12 minutes before running towards the person who saw it no matter how far away they are, even if said glimpse was1 Description 2 SCP096 3 Siren Head 4 Fight 5 Results SCP Vs Trevor Henderson Mythos Two tall humanoid creatures with a real weird sound are gonna haunt you at your dreams Hopefully not Wiz If there is anything we are scared of in the horror genre it is creatures with long spider like limbs Boomstick Like SCP096 the shy guy Wiz And Siren Head the tall forest dwelling beast
Close 15 Posted by 1 year ago Archived What is SCP049's real face?SCP096 nicknamed "Shy Guy" is a humanoid creature, showing very little muscle mass, with it's bones being visible SCP096 is 238 meters tall, with its arms about 15 meters long It weighs about 2 pounds Skin contains no hair or pigmentationSCP096 spends most of its days pacing the eastern wall of its containment chamber, at the exact moment that anyone views SCP096's face or sees it (directly, or in a photo or video, though artistic renderings have no effect) SCP096 will cover its face with its hands screaming and crying, showing extreme emotional distress

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Echolocation would though because you would "see" it's real face level 2 12 points · 2 years ago SCP096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face 🐣 TALE Fading by Gargus 💀 SUPPLEMENT SCP6 » Experiment Log T916OC108/6 HUB SCP Series 1May 12, · That is the mission of The SCP Foundation SCP096 is a humanoid creature, standing approximately 78 feet (238 meters) tall Its body appears emaciated, very little muscle mass and clearly malnutritioned Its skin and eyes lack pigmentation, and theAug 18, 15 · The Real SCP 096 Search Library Log in Sign up Watch fullscreen 6 years ago 3K views The Real SCP 096 MacsMedia Follow 6 years ago 3K views The Real SCP 096 I Became A Superheroes To Save The All Superheroes In Real Life Vs Superheroes Vs Siren Head Scp 096 stanleynorman61 848 Gmod SCP 096 hunt GMOD 218 SCP096 Vs

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Asides from what appears to be clickbait, if not an absurd question, I'll do my best to assume that SCP096 is real There are thousands of people who see his face at any particular moment (if what is shown as his face is actually his face, and not a fake version given by the foundation to satisfy curiosity with a white lie)I think it's reasonable to infer that 096 detects the thought patterns of a detection of its face from any range, given that it can detect someone even looking at a couple pixels in an old photo It doesn't notice things seeing its face, but it does notice detection of it68 comments share save hide report 96% Upvoted This thread is archived

What Is The Story Of Scp 096

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If someone viewed SCP096's face from space, would SCP096 still be able to kill them?SCP096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP0961)Scp 096 real life face game › Scp 096 game SCP 096 Mod Skin for Minecraft PE for Android Games Details SCP096 or also known as shy guy is a monster from a original game SCP containment breach It has some spectacular AI It will not attack the players as scp 096 game

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In this video we go over 3 stories of SCP096 in real life EnjoyThe SCP Foundation is a secret organization entrusted by governments around the globe toSCP096 OC 48k 94 comments share save hide report Continue browsing in r/SCPHypothetically speaking, if SCP096 were real and someone viewed its face either from a video or photograph and then they killed themselves before 096

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